Paint markings on the tree are communication between the forester and logging crew to implement the management of the silvicultural prescription.
Paint markings can mean many different things on a job site and it is crucial that good communication occurs between all parties to ensure management is being done correctly.
Here are some of the things that a paint mark could mean in the woods and what the common color/mark is by Hunters Land Management:
Property Boundary Marking: These marks are used to identify the property boundaries to let loggers know where the property ends.
two horizontal/45 degree yellow lines along property lines as well as three horizontal/45 degree yellow lines at a property corner.
Harvest Tree Marking: These marks are used to identify trees to be cut in a harvest. This type of marking is used most commonly when doing a selection harvest, thinning, or Timber Stand Improvement.
One horizontal/45 degree angle red/orange line or a red/orange dot
Harvest Boundary Marking: These marks face inward on a harvest unit and create the edge of the harvested area. While a logger is cutting within the stand he can then see these marks and know where to not cut past. This type of marking is used most commonly when doing a clear cut, seed tree cut, or shelterwood.
two horizontal/45 degree angle red/orange lines.
Leave Tree Marking: This type of marking is used to identify trees not to be harvested inside of a harvest boundary marked area. The photo below is an example: In this white oak shelterwood harvest all trees within the harvest area are to be harvested EXCEPT trees marked with blue paint.
One horizontal/45 degree angle blue line, horizontal blue ring, or a blue dot
Arrows: Trees marked with arrows can often note the direction a tree needs to fall or a dead branch in the top to make a cutter aware of danger.